The Slice of Life Stories started when we lived in San Francisco in the early to mid 90’s. It was a time of transition, when my husband’s career ended and new beginnings were ahead. Economically there were few choices during this time and when my husband was offered a job in San Francisco he took it. It was the last port in a very heavy storm. We had fantasized about living there everytime we visited. After it became a reality we wondered if perhaps we should have been more careful in what we wished for! Feeling shattered leaving our home, family and life long friends, was compounded by my mother dying and our San Francisco apartment being robbed. It constantly felt as if we were swimming against the tide. If there was ever a time for reinvention this was it. The reinvention process found us meeting  people we had only read about in humorous books. It was a surreal version of  "Tales of the City” and it dawned on me  that this was fertile ground for story telling. I started to write. First came "The  Heiress and The Transvestite" after the robbery and our move to a flat owned by the Heiress. That story is still in progress. I want to thank my San Francisco friend, Sara Jacobelli, for  encouraging me to continue with the H and T stories and publishing them on her writing website

While writing "The Heiress and Transvestite" I started "The Millennium" series. The series consists of six completed articles that were produced combining multiple negatives and text, all done pre computer in my darkroom. I have also included an article published in the Atlanta Journal Constitution that appeared after our return to Atlanta. I even got some fan mail when that was published. Notes are just that, notes kept to go back to later and flesh out. I will keep you posted with new additions to the page. It is all a work in progress

I have placed  all my writing efforts under the umbrella of "The Slice of Life Stories” above in the menu.